The following are previous Patrons and Kaumatua, whose contributions we acknowledge and treasure
His Honour Judge Andrew Becroft
Patron 2006-2016 Principal Youth Court Judge of New Zealand. In 1986 he helped establish the Mangere Community Law Centre and worked as its senior solicitor until 1993. He then worked as a criminal barrister in South Auckland until his appointment to the District Court in 1996, then as Principal Youth Court Judge in 2001. He is married with three children, and is a keen sports watcher (but an average participant). He is a strong advocate of youth issues. |
Dame Sylvia Cartwright
Patron 2004 - 2006 Governor-General of New Zealand from 2001-2006, Dame Sylvia was always a keen supporter of our work and spoke out frequently about this country's poor record on child abuse. |
Dame Ann Ballin
Patron 2000 - 2003 Dame Ann was a trustee of Family Help Trust for about 10 years. In 2000, when her mobility was quite compromised and she could no longer attend board meetings, she was appointed as our National Patron. Dame Ann became involved in our work because she could see the importance of interrupting generational dysfunction. Helping us with our work also had the potential of decreasing the number of victims. She died in 2003. |
Koka Heeni Phillips
KAUMATUA Koka Heeni Phillips, had iwi affiliations with Kahungunu, Rongowhakaata, Rongomaiwahine, Ruapani and Ngati Porou. From 1984 she was a practitioner of Rongoa Maori (traditional Maori healing) , she campaigned for 40 years for Te Reo Maori and Kapahaka, and was a staunch advocate of the Kohanga Reo movement from its inception. In 2000 she established Te Rapana Trust to promote and protect the right of Maori to practise Rongoa. She died in 2011. |